Sunday, November 28, 2010

Migrations 3 - Other Databases did my testing. They use Sorenson Genomics for their test company. I have searches and my haplotype out on SMGF (the Sorenson public site), Genetree (the company that does testing for Sorenson now), Genebase, Ybase and Ysearch (the public site for FTDNA). Since I want to get the broad overview, I've made some maps of those matches that each comany thinks are closest to mine. Here are my matches from The red ones are further away, the yellow closer.

This is pretty typical. These are just the matches from my top 10. I excluded the Winnie because he only had 12 markers, but that would probably be another peg in Northern Wales or the Netherlands. The missing Winnie was my top match, but the Peterson from Denmark had more markers and is my closest match above 12 markers  at Ironically, Peterson, according to HON, is a Swedish or Scottish last name.

Here are my matches from Genebase:

 The yellow pin in France is Normandy. The name is Eveland. Eveland is my closest match at Genebase. He claims Germanic ancestry but gave no location. HON says Eveland is a British name from Normandy. These are not all my matches from Genetree. Just those who match up to a genetic distance of 3. The other three close matches are a Bird, Hawkins and Hobby.

Here are my matches from SMGF. Again yellow is closest, followed by yellow dot then red then blue:

  Closest at SMGF are the Knowltons (they are always near me) a Graham (HON placed in Scotland) a Smith from Kempston England and a Johannson from Sweden. 

Here is a map of my closest "off modal" matches. (These people shared more of my markers than others in my other off modal map.
I believe the closest in this group was the unknown specimen from Denmark..or the Knowltons from Kent again. This is a map posted elsewhere on this site, but I've narrowed it down to my closest matches.

Here is a map of ybase matches these are people that have a least 34 markers in common with me:

I haven't marked any of these closer or further away because Ybase doesn't do that kind of genetic distance calculation. These are people who match me on any 34 markers. The pin in Denmark is for the Corsons. They believe they are descended from Caersten Jansen who lived in New Amsterdam in the 1600s and was Scandinavian. That could be Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway..etc. Again, Ironically, Corson is listed by House of Names as Scottish.

Next up I'll try and put together a map of Thompson or proto-Thompson hotspots and look at the standard map of migration accepted by many and  laid out by the OGAP groups.

1 comment:

  1. Also, I totally failed to mention the Elmers from SMGF who were among the top matches but not "the" top matches. Ironic given how things turned out.
