I can't talk about 2021 without talking about privilege. I am in a position to be able to work entirely from home and did so for roughly half the year. For a self-diagnosed introvert, it wasn't a bad year. I have a spouse and children so I have built-in contacts at home. It was much harder on my youngest son who was just becoming a teenager. Still, everyone who died in my family died from the regular causes and most of my close friends and family lived. Dumb luck wins again.
It was an exhausting year at work and a slower year for me in family research. I was inspired to write some things about Neolithic DNA, did some research on Elmers outside of Essex, focused on mitochondrial DNA, and got a huge happy update on the Indiana Thompsons and their relationship to the Thomson FTDNA tester and their new shared haplogroup with that family.
You can see those posts here: